Addiction is Great for a Personal Injury Practice

Addiction. You have got to be addicted. Now, most people think of addiction as a negative thing. An addiction, or being addicted, is defined as exhibiting a compulsive, chronic psychological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance. That’s the main thing that people think of for addiction.
What people do not think of is that addiction also means exhibiting a compulsive, chronic psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity. So, what would a habit-forming behavior be? Well, a person always tells the truth. That would be a habit forming behavior. That would be a habit that they could be addicted to. They could be addicted to telling the truth. They could be addicted to treating people fairly. They could be addicted to making people happy whenever possible. They could be addicted to helping people.
These would be good addictions. They could be addicted to an activity. Let’s say the activity is building your practice. That can be an addiction. You could be addicted to working out. You could be addicted to great results. You could be addicted to great documentation. You could be addicted to having great employees around you. You could be addicted to high production levels. You could be addicted to having high levels of referrals and maintaining those relationships. You could be addicted to acquiring great relationships with the referrals.
You could be addicted to a lot of things, doctors. As a matter of fact, if you want to grow a great injury practice in the injury market today, addiction is the key. You must become addicted to what it is that you are doing, and I literally mean addicted to it. You must be addicted to this idea that you will be the absolute best injury center in your local market. That’s not a problem. That’s not a bad thing to be. You must be addicted to the fact that because you are so good in the market, there’s no reason not to go out to any professional in that market, whether it’s a neurosurgeon, the local neurosurgeons, the local neurosurgeon’s group, the local orthopedic surgeons group, other doctors of chiropractic, doctors of physical therapy, and other physical therapists. You even need to go out to the Kiwanis club, to any of the civic clubs, and to the veteran’s clubs.
Everywhere and anywhere. You must have that addicted, my God, I want to go out and spread to my local community, to the state, to the country, to the planet, to the various planets in the solar system. It does not matter how big or how broad you want to go, but you have got to get addicted to it. You got to get addicted to the fact that when somebody actually has a life changing result in your clinic, get addicted to that. You must get addicted to the fact that when you are treating an injury patient, you are treating everyone that is connected to that patient. You are treating their husband, their wife, their boyfriend, their girlfriend, their parents, their co-employees, coworkers, their friends. You are treating everybody involved.
Remember, you must get addicted to the fact that you do not know what comes with that package called a patient. You never know who a patient’s connected to. You never know if that patient is connected to the President of the United States, or that patient is connected to the governor. You may not know if that patient is connected to a famous actor, your neighbor, a relative of yours, or to an attorney firm that could send you more referrals than you could possibly handle. That patient could be connected to a hospital administrator. That patient could be connected to a local large employer that is looking for an in-house chiropractor or medical doctor in order to supply their company employees with better healthcare.
You never know who that patient is connected to, and that is the part to get addicted to. That’s the exciting part. That is the part where it becomes so much fun. You have got to get addicted to the fact that
you are fantastic in depositions. You’re fantastic in trial. You don’t necessarily like doing them because basically you’re just re-explaining what is easily seen in your file, but you’re addicted to it because it gives you another great opportunity to promote the services that you do and to explain to others, such as an opposing defense attorney, a jury, or a courtroom. No matter who it is, you get addicted to explaining what you do because e you love it because and it is what is in your blood and what drives you. You must get addicted to taking that to the highest level that you can.
If you are at the point where you can say that you are the Michael Jordan of this game called spinal injury work, what you need to do is develop a team around you. Now I’m addicted to the business building aspect of it, or I’m addicted to the marketing aspect of it, so that I can build businesses. I can build other facilities. I’m addicted to the fact that I can take associates and I can put them in place and they can deliver great care. They are happy, they’re not going to leave me. We can grow a large facility together, or we can start to grow multiple facilities together, and now I’m getting addicted to the fact that I have to learn more about business and business organizations in order to structure my organization better.
Addiction doesn’t have to be a bad thing. I mean, think about if you were addicted to your wife, would that really be a bad thing? If you are addicted to your children, would that be really a bad thing? I don’t think so. I don’t think it would be a bad thing at all. Addiction gets a bad rap. Addiction is extremely healthy. When people criticize something, it is usually because they have not done it. They have given up on some goal themselves, a lot of times, the person that is saying that has given up on themselves.
People that have given up on their goals or their dreams think people shouldn’t work hard. They shouldn’t be that into something. If a person can find something that they’re really into, it makes for an incredible life. It really does. It makes getting up a lot easier. Yes, there are going to be days, no matter how addicted you are to something, You’re going to have hard days where, no matter how addicted you are to a business, that it feels like it runs you more than you run it.
All entrepreneurs and business owners have that feeling like their business runs them sometimes, but it doesn’t matter. You get up, you push through it anyway because you’re addicted to the result. You start looking at your goals and what drives you in the first place and the whole thing recovers. You feel a heck of a lot better. Addiction is the key.
You must be addicted to the right things. You must be addicted to results. You must be addicted to being able to find and easily determine the severity and location of a patient’s injuries. You must be able to understand and get addicted to how you have more effective ways to treat this thing so eventually it leads to less time for the patient and less costs because that’s what everybody in the market wants.
Get addicted to your practice, get addicted to the procedures in your practice, get addicted to growing your practice because it is an incredibly helpful thing.
You’re helping a lot of people when you do it and you should be addicted. If you feel like you need to be in a group, good. I have a SmartInjuryDoctors group. We meet weekly and we meet monthly, and you can become a member of our group. Welcome to the addiction group because we’re a group of dedicated doctors that are addicted to results, our practices, and our practice growth.
We’re addicted to our own success because we know our family deserves for us to be successful. That, doctors, is great addiction and I’m going to tell you that that’s what’s needed in growing a personal injury practice today in the 2020s. Believe it or not, we are in a new decade and in that new decade a lot of things are going to change, so get addicted.
For more information on Spinal Ligament Injuries please check us out at www.smartinjurydoctor.com or check out our SmartInjuryDoctors® Podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play or Stitcher.
For information on spinal ligament testing by board certified medical radiologists go to www.thespinalkinetics.com
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