Practices That Train Together Gain Together

A basic concept in injury practices and in the injury practices that I consult is teams that train together, gain together.
One of the biggest errors I think that doctors make is they don’t realize how valuable their staff is.
But beyond that they don’t realize how valuable their staff is in being able to get better injury results and being able to get better compliance and being able to get better referrals and being able to get better collections and being able to get everything.
When you take the time to train your staff on the things that really matter, the purpose and the goal of your injury clinic can be achieved quickly and efficiently
Your trained staff will help you to take patients that are injured, especially ligament injuries and have the patient come through care two months, three months, six months with the best possible results.
How long it takes is not the issue.
Your goal is for your patients to come through care and have no pain, no problems at work, no problems in their life as a result of the injuries.
That is the mission.
That is the mission that each and every injury clinic should be trying to achieve.
Now the team that trains together, gains together.
Doing that will lead to getting great injury results, getting great injury referrals, getting your compensation.
Training your team will lead to reducing your insurance problems or attorney problems because it is a team activity. It’s not a single activity.
If you want to learn alone and you want to train alone, you’ll succeed alone.
Being a solo act, you will have a much, much harder time with staff turnover and a lot of different things.
One of the biggest things that you can do in your injury practice is train your people.
“Okay, what am I training them in?”
Well, what are you trying to get from the patient in a consultation?
When you’re doing an examination?
Your staff should know exactly what you are trying to assess for.
They should know it completely.
I don’t care if they are in your billing department, your front desk, assist you with notes, or your office manager.
They should know every aspect of what you are doing.
When you do stress radiology, why are you doing stress radiology? What are you trying to find with it? What do the results mean?
Your staff should be trained on all of those components.
When they come in that first day, the first thing that any patient is going to interact with, is your staff, right?
Your patients should get the idea from the first person to the last they speak with, that this is the place where everyone is interested in me and knowledgeable about my care plan.
The more competent your staff is, the more confident in your clinic the patient is.
The more competent they are, the more helpful they are.
It is not just learning new systems. “Hey, I’ve got this new scheduling system,” and learning how to schedule or, “I’ve got this new billing system,” and here’s how you’re going to bill. “I’ve got this new EMR system.”
It is actually training them about why you’re doing what you’re doing and what you’re trying to find with each and every thing you’re doing.
When you do a reexamination, every single member of your staff should know exactly what you’re doing and they should know exactly what that patient’s going through.
If that patient just came out of an exam and they have questions on something, and you left the room, or they are walking out and they have three or four questions, who are they going to get those questions answered from?
Your staff.
If your staff is trained, then your whole clinical operation is like a well-tuned machine.
It’s very organized and it’s very in rhythm, in sync.
People feel that.
They really do. And they experience that.
When they experience that, the experience is much better for them in your office.
So you need to train your staff.
The SmartInjuryDoctors® Program that I developed, has as one the component of training your staff. It is a major component.
We have checklists that go through each and every significant event that the patient is going to experience.
When you are talking to the patient about an MRI finding or you are talking to the patient about an excessive motion finding, how you express yourself matters to the patient.
How your team expresses themselves matters just as much when they’re getting asked questions about, “Why did you do this test,” or “Why did you do that test?”
It matters.
The tighter your group is and the tighter the communication is, the better the patient feels that they are in the right place.
Because when they feel that way, they get an experience that is far superior than if they are in a clinic that doesn’t.
That is what makes people refer.
That is what makes people remember.
When you’re looking at these little details and you are training your staff on these details, it makes all the difference in the world.
I know from my own personal practice of 17 years that that made a huge different for me and my clinic.
I trained my staff. I always let them know why we were doing what we were doing.
You want to get to the point where your people can answer the questions that the patients are going to have because who are the patients spending time with?
Your staff.
Do you know what makes your clinic unique?
Does your staff know what makes your clinic unique?
If you know what makes your clinic unique, but you’re not teaching it to your staff, why are you withholding that?
Because you want to develop a clinic that is unique.
You want to start to differentiate yourself.
Then you want to train your staff on how you are different because that difference is what they will be proud of.
It is what they will be promoting. You don’t want to withhold that.
You want to actually express it.
I cannot tell you how many times I have said, “Look, if you want this program to work you’ve got to train your staff, because it’s that impactful to your clinic, your clinic results, and your clinic growth.”
That is why in SmartInjuryDoctors®’s training program, I emphasize it so much.
Not training, on how to schedule or those things that I assume that you’re doing just fine but on the aspects of injury care and why you’re doing what you’re doing.
Your staff has to know about that.
When your staff is really good at answering the questions, you will see better results.
You will see better compliance.
You will see less problems with insurance.
And you will see more internal referrals.
Don’t underestimate the return on investment.
The return on investment is through the roof when you train your staff.
Staff training is very, very important.
In the SmartInjuryDoctors® program, it is stressed. And stressed
Thank you for your time
For more information on Spinal Ligament Injuries please check us out at www.smartinjurydoctor.com or check out our SmartInjuryDoctors® Podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play or Stitcher.
For information on spinal ligament testing by board-certified medical radiologists go to www.thespinalkinetics.com
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