Mindset In A Personal Injury Practice
What does that mean?
Your mindset is your collection of thoughts and beliefs that shape your thought habits.
I’ve worked with enough doctors who are trying to build a practice.
One mindset is “Oh my gosh, if I want to go out and talk to attorneys about injuries, what do I need to know? What do I need to do?”
And they think, think, think, think, think, think. “Oh, I got to get better. I got to get more polished. I got to be this. I got to be that.”
It takes you away from action.
It’s the wrong thing.
You have to be protective of what you’re feeding your mind.
Your mind is a tool.
It is a tool that you use to determine or to help you to determine what you need to do in order to make something happen. That’s what it is designed to do.
It does better under situations where you are feeding it good data, where you’re feeding it good material.
A lot of doctors surround themselves by people that are constantly feeding them bad information or constantly feeding them bad news or constantly looking at the negative.
Those people say look at the negative, look at the negative, look at the negative, look at the negative.
Look what can happen. Look what could happen to you. Oh my gosh. And negative, negative, negative, negative, negative.
You are watching the news, you are watching negativity, negative, negativity, negativity.
It is immediately going to start.
Your mindset is going to be negative.
You are going to be programming your own mind to be negative.
Just take a look.
Every one of us has this mind that we use to make things happen.
For some of us, we control it extremely well. We tell it what we need and it goes and gets it.
Those people are not dictated to.
They don’t have random thoughts that are continuously popping up and interfering with their thinking.
They don’t have someone constantly in their head telling them things.
But some people do.
If you are a doctor out there that is like that and you want to grow a practice, you’ve got to start to actually get a positive mindset and surround yourself with people who have a like mindset of you.
Your mindset needs to be positive and you need the people around you to be positive too. You need people who are motivated.
I remember when I used to train, I played college level sports and when I would train, what I was looking for is someone who was better than I was at training if possible or at the bare minimum just somebody that would train with me.
I happened to be a very, very good long distance runner even though I didn’t like to do it. I played high level rugby, I played college basketball and I played some college baseball.
In basketball and in rugby you have to train, you have to run a lot. So I had to.
I would have to find somebody to train with me.
Sometimes it was multiple partners because I’d burn them out. But it made it a lot easier for me to do what I’m doing.
You need to find those partners or those group partners that will help you to be better Someone or a group that will inspire you.
In the Smart Injury Doctors program that I run, we have a Facebook group.
The whole thing is designed to bring like-minded individuals together to support and interact with each other.
So when you get the “no”, when you get the negative, when you get the, “you can’t to this,” when you get, “that’s not the way it’s done.” When you are faced with negativity, you don’t get dumbfounded.
You have a group that is of the same mindset to support you.
You can’t get confused.
The mind is interesting.
If the mind knows, if you totally know something, it’s very hard to get confused.
But confusion is contagious.
If you’re not solid on what you know, you’re not solid on your understanding of things, then that’s a mindset, too.
If you think, “Okay, good, I just need to know this just to be good enough.” You are fairly mediocre at it.
That’s a mindset, right?
There are people that I know that won’t tolerate that.
They excel at being very, very good at what they do.
They do it until they are excellent at what they do.
Mindset is everything and what you’re feeding it is everything.
When you go home at night, what are you looking at?
If you want to grow an injury practice, are you looking at and excited about, “Hey, let me look at some information that could help me to get better results with my patients”.
Let me actually hook up with a local doctor or a local chiropractor, a local lawyer who has the same goals that I do.
Let’s go out to dinner. Let’s actually do some family things together. “Let me find others.”
Instead of being a lone ranger in the market, like many, many doctors are, you want to find local doctors that have the same mindset that you do.
You want to find people that want to improve and increase their abilities.
If possible, you want to find somebody who is better, who is faster, who is stronger, who is more able, who is quicker than you are, right?
Because that is what seriously helps you.
It also helps them because it helps them to assist another and it strengthens what they know. It strengthens what they understand.
In our Facebook group, the reason why I have doctors ask questions of other doctors is because when the doctors are answering they get motivated.
Also, the more that they can answer and help another, the more that they understand what is being taught in the program.
Mindset is really everything.
I want you to observe when you are thinking about something.
Are you having negative thoughts? Are you having positive thoughts?
Are you seeing what you can take out of this and use tomorrow and you are happy about it?
Or are you sitting there cutting it down and being critical about it?
If you’re sitting there cutting it down and being critical about it, take a look at your mindset.
Because if that is your mindset, if you’re a person who is constantly looking at something in a critical manner, you may be looking for example how am I getting ripped off? Or how is this a problem?
Then that’s what you’re going to have in return.
That is exactly what is coming to you.
That is mindset.
So if you need to shake it up and change it.
The first way that you change it is like any other thing, you have to observe it.
You have to look at it.
I mean, when you were a kid, when you were an eight year old kid, nine year old kid, when you woke up in the morning, all you were thinking about is, what am I going to do? How much fun am I going to have? Where can I find the next piece of fun? And things were fun. They were bright, they were new.
Well, look at the mindset of you at that time and what you were looking at.
If things aren’t fun for you right now, if things are not good or they’re not going the way that you want them to, look in your mind.
Are you looking at all problems and just dwelling on these problems?
Or are you dwelling on solutions and saying, “Wow, this is an amazing game. I got a puzzle here and I get to figure out the puzzle.”
Maybe you are struggling with your practice.
You’re struggling with, “Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, how am I going to do this”?
Or how do I market?
Or how do I run staff?
Or how do I get better results?
Or how do I manage this patient?
How, how, how, how?
I am going to share with you something I read or heard and unfortunately I can’t remember the source but I will share it with you now
When you’re struggling, you are struggling with the how.
What you should be looking for is who.
Who has already done what you are struggling with?
In other words, if you’re struggling building a marketing piece, who has already built a marketing piece?
Don’t struggle with the how.
Find the who.
It is a mindset.
If your mind is, “Oh my gosh, I can’t afford, I can’t afford, I can’t afford, I can’t afford.” Guess what? You can’t afford it.
That is the type of patient you will attract also
The patients you’re going to attract will be of the same mindset of I can’t afford it.
If you’re thinking, “Oh, that doesn’t work, that doesn’t work. That doesn’t work.”
Guess what? It’s not going to work for you. And the people you’re going to attract, it doesn’t work for them.
That’s mindset.
In chiropractic, I remember one of the things that was taught was all things improve from the inside out.
Well, it’s very, very true.
If you’re trying to grow an injury practice, it’s the same way.
Things grow from the inside out.
Generally, when growing a practice people minimizing themselves.
You don’t need to do that at all.
Whatever that minimization is that you do, whatever that mental trick of whatever your thoughts are that you may be doing, it’s not real.
It’s not true.
You can change it in a heartbeat.
But first you got to see it and then you can change it.
Then you can improve it.
You improve it by aligning yourself with people, with events, with education, with things that align with your purpose.
They align with what it is that you are trying to do.
That’s mindset.
Start feeding your mind with great people.
Start feeding your mind with great education.
Start surrounding yourself with people that acknowledge you and they acknowledge what your goals are and it becomes a lot easier.
Sometimes you have to get rid of those that maybe don’t have the mindset that you have.
That doesn’t make them bad people.
It just means that it’s just not right for you.
There were plenty of times where I had teammates or I had people that were just not the right people for me to work out with.
They were not the right people.
They didn’t have the right attitude.
It didn’t make them bad people.
It just meant that I was not going to associate with them.
So to make things easy or make it easier, check your mindset.
Check your mindset on if you’re building a personal injury practice, check your mindset.
What does your mind focus on?
What is it looking at? Problems?
Are you constantly this problem, that problem, this problem, that problem?
Because if you are, that is what you are going to have.
You are going to have what you’re thinking about.
Sometimes because that muscle is so well worn on negativity, on negative thoughts, on negativity that it feels like it’s almost grooved in but it doesn’t have to be.
You can change it.
You’re powerful enough that you can change, the instant you decide it is changed.
That’s the beauty of it.
For more information on Spinal Ligament Injuries please check us out at www.smartinjurydoctor.com or check out our SmartInjuryDoctors® Podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play or Stitcher.
For information on spinal ligament testing by board-certified medical radiologists go to www.thespinalkinetics.com
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