When patients have spinal injuries, spinal ligament injuries, spinal connective tissue injuries, 50% of them never fully recover and 30% of those by research have a serious problem as a result of their injuries. There’s a lot of risk for the patient.
The purpose in an injury practice is amazing because you need to accept the responsibility of risk of the patient. It is a very high purpose.
If you’re a doctor that likes to help people, that likes to take and turn their risk into risk reduction and really get good results, of course you’re going to want to be in the injury market.
Once you’re in the injury market, you will need to learn how to market into the area.
Marketing is nothing more than determining how you want to be perceived in the market. That’s what marketing is, how you’re perceived in the market.
How you are perceived will attract some people and it will repel others. You can attract what you want to attract and repel what you want to repel.
The best way for me to help you understand that is by example. Take for example, a high-end dry cleaner. They will attract a certain clientele.
A laundromat will attract a different type of clientele.
At the laundromat, they won’t attract the people that go to the high-end dry cleaner. At the high-end cleaner, they won’t attract the people that go to the laundromat
It is up to you to decide who you want to attract to your business and that is marketing.
Marketing with video is what is needed in todays market.
Videos create 300% more traffic and they help nurture leads.
Your website, if you have a website right now, your website is 53 times likely to get in the front page of Google if it includes video.
On average people spend 2.6 times more time on pages with video than without.
And 64% of consumers will make a purchase after watching a branded video on a social platform.
This is a no brainer. Adding video to your emails can increase your click rates by over 300%.
Including a video on one of your landing pages can boost your conversion rate.
What I mean by conversion rate is having people take your information and then make an action as a result of it
Nearly 50% of all internet users right now look for videos related to a product or service before they visit the service itself. They’re checking you out.
Some statistics will say that they’re looking for three to five pieces of information about you or about your service or your approach or philosophy.
They are looking to find out what are the benefits of doing business with you. They are looking for that on the internet and videos.
It is one of the best ways to get it to them.
You definitely want to be using video and video is very, very easy to use, especially in an injury practice.
In a Smart Injury Program that I put together, we have a Smart Injury Marketing Program that goes with it.
In that we have all kinds of social media pieces and we have a lot of videos.
These are videos that you can put in your social media channels, they can put on your YouTube channel, you can put on their website.
Our Smart Injury Doctors do this. As a result, they increase their organic search by simply putting it on their website or social media.
You can either go out and you can learn how to create your own videos which takes hours and hours of labor and time Or you can use a service to create videos. This route is a very expensive route.
Or you can buy into some sort of a program where it’s already produced for you. That to me, that’s the easiest way to do it. That is why I have them in my Smart Injury Marketing Program.
The Smart Injury Doctors Program has oodles of videos that can easily be used on YouTube right away, on your website right away, social media, and newsletters
A lot of you think when you’re building an injury practice that it means finding new patients.
But the providers I talk to on the phone have 10,000 patients in their database.
That means you are going to have approximately around 1,100 injury incidents in that database every year.
6% could be in a work related incident and 5% could be an auto related incident. That doesn’t include home incidents or public incidents. These are just work and auto.
Every seven seconds in America somebody’s injured in an auto accident.
Every seven seconds in America somebody’s injured at work.
Every two seconds in America somebody’s injured at home.
There’s a lot of injuries.
If you have 10,000 patients in your database, you have at least 1,100 injury incidents in that database.
You must market to these people in a manner that reaches them. Video does this. In a newsletter, on your website, social media, You Tube, etc.
Videos used repetitively to give the same message of how you want to be perceived in the market.
As a top professional.
As somebody who doesn’t miss injuries
As somebody who excels at correction and rehabilitation of injuries.
As somebody who has simplified the documentation so the patient can get access to any benefits they’re entitled to. Or to anyone that is helping them to figure out what the benefits are, whether it’s an insurer or whether it’s an attorney.
That’s what you want to be producing in the market and you want to be messaging in the market, those things.
That is most easily done with video.
If you’re not using video, you need to start.
There’s nothing better in your marketing than using video.
Again, in the Smart Injury Doctor Program, we have lots of video, lots of video for the doctors to use because we know the power of video.
I highly recommend it. Start. If you’re going to do it yourself, do it yourself, but don’t, you definitely want to be using video.
For more information on Spinal Ligament Injuries please check us out at www.smartinjurydoctor.comor check out our SmartInjuryDoctors® Podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play or Stitcher.
For information on spinal ligament testing by board-certified medical radiologists go to www.thespinalkinetics.com
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